Luzu Merch
Personal Life
Borja Luzuriaga Vázquez was born on August 3, 1985, in the northern Spanish city of Bilbao, where he spent his infancy with his parents and his 15-month-old brother. He began interested in surfing at the age of 14 because it was a dream of his.
He moved to Pamplona, a nearby city, at the age of 18 to study audiovisual communication at the University of Navarra. After finishing his academic studies, he relocated to Madrid, Spain, to work for a film distributor.
He began to feel constrained in that work and decided to change his life and relocate to Los Angeles, California, where he continued to expand his curriculum with a master’s degree at the University of California. He currently resides in the city with his partner, Lana. read blog

He married Lana LeStrange in July 2019, and several Spanish YouTubers were invited to the wedding. His son, Oliver, was born in March 2021.
Luzu Merch Net Worth
According to Net Worth Spot, Borja has an estimated net worth of $1.26 million as of August 2022. Every month, the YouTube channel luzugames receives around 5.25 million views. YouTube channels make between $3 and $7 per thousand video views on average.
Net Worth Spot estimates that Borja earns $21 thousand a month, reaching $314.95 thousand a year. Borja might earn up to $566.92 thousand per year if things go well. However, YouTuber channels rarely rely on a single source of money. Influencers might promote their own products, take sponsorships, or generate revenue through affiliate commissions.